This is a controversial matter. However, to us in SEAsia, this is purely an academic topic now. Prof Levin's views are for your study and grasp:
Nov 14, 2014 · Stanford L. Levin, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville, Daily Herald · Link to Article
Nuclear power is by far the most environmentally friendly source of electricity. Nuclear plants produce no carbon emissions and are available about 90 percent of the time, including, most importantly, at periods of peak demand. Maintenance is generally scheduled when the plants are less needed.
Nov 14, 2014 · Stanford L. Levin, Emeritus Professor of Economics, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville, Daily Herald · Link to Article
Nuclear power is by far the most environmentally friendly source of electricity. Nuclear plants produce no carbon emissions and are available about 90 percent of the time, including, most importantly, at periods of peak demand. Maintenance is generally scheduled when the plants are less needed.