
ஞாயிறு, 14 செப்டம்பர், 2014

மன்னரைப் பழிக்காதே.........

நீ  தாய்லாந்தில்  இருந்தால்: 

மன்னரைப் பழிக்காதே ‍‍---அவரை
மதிப்பதை மனத்துள் ஒழிக்காதே!
பின்னிய கம்பிகட்குள் ---அகப்பட்டுப்
பெரும்பழி அதைநீ சுமக்காதே.

பதவிகள் யாதுமில்லை --- எனினுமப்
பரந்த தாயகம் ஒன்றிணைப்பார்;
உதவஎப் போதுமுள்ளார்  --- மக்கள்
உளத்தின் நாயகம், நின்றிணைப்பார்.

கண்டவை  விண்டதனால் ‍‍--- அந்த‌
காரத்தில் வீழ்ந்தவர் மிகப்பலரே!
உண்டதைத் தக்கவைப்பாய் --- சீயத்துள்
உள்ளனை வாழ் நிலை நிற்கவைப்பாய்

கண்டவை  -- கண்டபடியாக வாய்ச்சொ//ற்களை ;
விண்டதனால் -- வெளியிட்டதனால் ;
அந்தகாரம் - இருள் ;
உண்டதை -  முன் சாப்பிட்டதை  (உணவை);   தக்கவைப்பாய் -- இனியும் கிட்டும்படியாக உறுதி செய்துகொள்வாய் .
சீயம் --  சீயத்துள் :  தாய்லாந்தினுள்;.
 வாழ் நிலை  -  வாழ்க்கையின் நிலைத்தன்மையை;  நிற்க வைப்பாய் -   குலைத்திடாமல் சரிசெய்து கொள்வாய்.. 

Thai coup leader warns against insulting the monarchy - See more at:

Thai junta leader Prayut Chan-O-Cha Friday said his regime would use legal, psychological and technological measures to protect the monarchy against defamation in his first official policy speech as premier.
The warning came as Amnesty International said an "unprecedented" number of people have been charged with insulting the royals since the coup, with 14 Thais indicted under the controversial lese majeste law in less than four months.
Revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej, 86, is already protected by one of the world's toughest royal defamation laws – anyone convicted of insulting the king, queen, heir or regent faces up to 15 years in prison on each count.
Since seizing power on May 22, the army and junta chief – who was also appointed as prime minister last month – has emphasised his commitment to protecting the monarchy.
"The monarchy is the key pillar of our country... to create national unity," Prayut said Friday.
The king has no official political role but is seen as a unifying figure in a country that has been frequently riven by political violence, particularly since a military coup in 2006.
Last month a 28-year-old musician was sentenced to 15 years in jail for writing insulting Facebook posts about the monarchy between 2010 and 2011.
In another recent case a taxi driver was jailed for two and a half years after his passenger, a university lecturer who recorded their conversation on a mobile phone, accused him of expressing anti-royal views, Amnesty said.
Under the law anyone can make an accusation of insulting the monarchy and the police are duty-bound to investigate.
Critics say the legislation has been politicised, noting that many of those charged in recent years were linked to the "Red Shirts" protest movement, which is broadly supportive of fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra.
On Thursday junta spokesman Winthai Suvaree denied there had been an increase in royal defamation charges under military rule.
Prayut has said the army was forced to take control after months of protests against former premier and Thaksin's younger sister Yingluck left 28 people dead and hundreds injured, effectively paralysing her government.
But critics say the protests provided a pretext for a power grab in the latest chapter of Thailand's deep political divide.
The long-running political conflict broadly pits a Bangkok-based middle class and royalist elite, backed by parts of the military and judiciary, against rural and working-class voters loyal to Thaksin.
Thaksin was toppled in a coup in 2006 and lives in self-exile to avoid prison for a corruption conviction. – AFP, September 12, 2014

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